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     In September 1995, Chancellor Robert Khayat launched a significant reorganization of the
     University's administrative structure.  Some of the refinements are highlighted below:

       (1)  The position of Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs was re-established
            as the administrative officer to whom the Vice Chancellors for Student Life,
            University Relations, and Research report.                              

       (2)  The only Vice Chancellor now reporting directly to the Chancellor is the
            Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.

       (3)  Within the Office of the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs:

            -  The position formerly listed as Associate Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for
               Academic Affairs became the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School.

            -  The position formerly shown as Assistant to the Provost became Assistant Provost. 

            -  The position formerly shown as Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
               became Associate Provost and was refocused upon financial and administrative
               affairs within the Office of the Provost.

       (4)  The extensive process re-engineering taking place at the University of Mississippi
            has led to additional administrative adjustments with other potential changes to
            take place in the future.