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2002-2003 Statistical Profiles of The University of Mississippi

Section I The University of Mississippi, Organizational Charts

The University of Mississippi, Composite Organization Chart

The University of Mississippi, Central Administration, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Central Administration, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Instructional Units, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Administrative and Educational Support Units, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Division of Student Life, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Division of University Relations, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Division of Administration and Finance, Oxford Campus

The University of Mississippi, Division of Research and Sponsored Programs, Oxford Campus

Section II Entering Student Information

Average ACT Scores, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1987–Fall Semester 2002

First-time Full-time Freshmen Enrollment, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1993–Fall Semester 2002

Number of and Trends in First-time Full-time Freshmen from Mississippi Counties, The University of Mississippi, Fall 2002 Compared to Fall 2001

Number of and Trends in First-time Full-time Freshmen by State and Region, The University of Mississippi, Fall 2002 Compared to Fall 2001

Percentage Distribution of Anticipated Educational Fields Reported by Entering Freshmen, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester1993–Fall Semester 2002

Percentage Distribution of Anticipated Educational Fields Reported by Entering Freshmen, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Estimated Family Income Before Taxes Reported by Entering Freshmen, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1999–Fall Semester 2002

New Full-time Transfer Enrollment by Student Level, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Section III Enrollment Related Information

Total Headcount Enrollment (Oxford, Medical Center, and Off-Campus), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1996–Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment by Level, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1991–Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment by Graduate and Undergraduate Student Levels, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1993–Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment by School and Level, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1993–Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment of International Students, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

International Student Enrollment by College or School, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment of African-American Students (U.S. Citizens) and Percent of Total Enrollment, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1985–Fall Semester 2002

The University of Mississippi Enrollment Status of Members of Entering Freshman Class, Fall Semester 1996 and at the End of Each of the Next Six Years

The University of Mississippi 2003 and 2004 Enrollment Projection Assumptions

Mississippi Public School Enrollment Trends and Projections

Enrollment Trends, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1983–Fall Semester 2004

Headcount Enrollment by Level (Regional Campuses, Centers, and Special Classes), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1999–Fall Semester 2002

Headcount Enrollment (Regional Campuses and Centers), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1993–Fall Semester 2002

Section IV Academic Operations Information

Student Credit Hours Produced Fall and Spring Semesters by College or School and Department (Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Accountancy, Law), The University of Mississippi, Academic Year 1995-1996–2002-2003

Student Credit Hours Produced Fall and Spring Semesters by College or School and Department (Engineering, Pharmacy, Education, Applied Sciences, University Totals), The University of Mississippi, Academic Year 1995-1996–2002-2003

Student Credit Hours by Level, Department, and College or School (Liberal Arts), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Student Credit Hours by Level, Department, and College or School (Liberal Arts continued, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Accountancy), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Student Credit Hours by Level, Department, and College or School (Applied Sciences, Pharmacy, Law, University Totals), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Student Credit Hours Produced by Course Level and College or School (Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Education, Applied Sciences), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Student Credit Hours Produced by Course Level and College or School (Engineering, Pharmacy, Accountancy, Law), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Growth of John Davis Williams (General) Library and James O. Eastland Law Library Collections and Utilization, The University of Mississippi, 1992-93 — 2001-02

A Comparison of the Distribution of the Undergraduate Grades of A’s and B’s Within and Among the College of Liberal Arts and the Professional Schools at The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1999–Fall Semester 2002

A Comparison of the Distribution of the Undergraduate Grades of D’s and F’s Within and Among the College of Liberal Arts and the Professional Schools at The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1999–Fall Semester 2002

Section V Faculty Characteristics

Full-time Faculty Characteristics, The University of Mississippi, Contract Status Summary and General Information Summary as of November 2002.

Explanation of the Comparison of The University of Mississippi 2002-2003 Average Faculty Salaries by Rank and College or School with Similar Academic Units in the Southern University Group (SUG)

Average Faculty Salary by Rank and College or School (Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy) at The University of Mississippi Compared to the Southern University Group (SUG), Academic Year 2002-2003

Average Faculty Salary by Rank and College or School (Accountancy, Applied Sciences, Southern Studies, Other, University Total) at The University of Mississippi Compared to the Southern University Group (SUG), Academic Year 2002-2003

Instructional Activity Analysis by College or School and Department (Liberal Arts), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Instructional Activity Analysis by College or School and Department (Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Pharmacy), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Instructional Activity Analysis by College or School and Department (Law, Accountancy, Applied Sciences, University Totals), The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Student Credit Hours Per Full-time Equivalent Faculty by College or School, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Section VI Student Enrollment by Program

Headcount Student Enrollment by College or School, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Degrees Conferred (CIP Levels 04, 05, 09, 11, 13), 1998-1999 — 2002-2003, and Majors, Fall Semester 2002, for The University of Mississippi by Individual Degree Program Authorized by the Board of Trustees

Degrees Conferred (CIP Levels 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27), 1998-1999 — 2002-2003, and Majors, Fall Semester 2002, for The University of Mississippi by Individual Degree Program Authorized by the Board of Trustees

Degrees Conferred (CIP Levels 31, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45), 1998-1999 — 2002-2003, and Majors, Fall Semester 2002, for The University of Mississippi by Individual Degree Program Authorized by the Board of Trustees

Degrees Conferred (CIP Levels 50, 51, 52, and University Total), 1998-1999 — 2002-2003, and Majors, Fall Semester 2002, for The University of Mississippi by Individual Degree Program Authorized by the Board of Trustees

Explanation of Student Statistical Profile Reports

Student Statistical Profile, Institutional Summary, Undergraduate and Graduate, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Student Statistical Profile, Institutional Summary, New Undergraduate Students, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Student Statistical Profile, New Post-Baccalaureate Students, Graduate Summary, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 2002

Section VII Institutional Support Operations

Educational and General Expenditure Categories

Total Expenditures (Restricted and Unrestricted) for Educational and General Purposes by Functional Category, The University of Mississippi, FY 97-98 — FY 01-02

Total Educational and General Expenditures by Functional Category Restricted and Unrestricted Funds, The University of Mississippi, FY 01-02

Current Educational and General Funds Revenue (in Thousands) by Categories With Percent of Total, The University of Mississippi, FY 97-98–FY 01-02

Sources of Current Educational and General Funds (Restricted and Unrestricted) Revenue by Category, The University of Mississippi, FY 01-02

Tuition and Required Fees of Resident and Non-Resident Students, The University of Mississippi, Academic Year 1993-1994 to 2002-2003

Dormitory Occupancy and Capacity, The University of Mississippi, Fall Semester 1998–Fall Semester 2002

Data Concerning Academic Buildings at The University of Mississippi

Map of The University of Mississippi