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2005-06 Common Data Set

Section F. Student Life

F1. Percentage of first-times, first-year (freshman) students and all degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled in Fall 2005 who fit the following categories:


First-time, first-year (freshman) students Undergraduates
Percent of students who are from out of state (exclude internat’l/nonresident aliens) 49 34
Percent of men who join fraternities
Percent of women who join sororities
Percent who live in college-owned, -operated, or -affiliated housing 24
Percent who live off campus or commute 76
Percent of students age 25 and older 11
Average age of full-time students
Average age of all students (full- and part-time) 18 22

F2. Activities offered:
Identify those programs available at your institution.

 Choral groups
 Concert band
 Jazz band
 Literary magazine
 Marching band
 Music ensembles
 Musical theater
 Pep band
 Radio station
 Student government
 Student newspaper
 Student-run film society
 Symphony orchestra
 Television station

(program offered in cooperation with Reserve Officer’s Training Corps)

Army ROTC is offered: On campus
 At cooperating institutions (name):
Navy ROTC is offered: On campus
 At cooperating institutions (name):
Air Force ROTC is offered: On campus
 At cooperating institutions (name):


F4. Housing
Check all types of college-owned, -operated, or -affiliated housing available for undergraduates at your institution.

 Coed dorms
 Men’s dorms
 Women’s dorms
 Apartments for married students
 Apartments for single students
 Other housing options (specify):
Graduate/Older Students
 Special housing for disabled student
 Special housing for international students
 Fraternity/sorority housing
 Cooperative housing